Friday, October 31, 2008

RIP Anne Pressly 1982-2008

I was so shocked and saddened that my favorite pretty anchorlady, Anne Pressly, was brutally beaten at her home between the early hours Sunday and Monday. Her mother went to Anne's house because Anne did not answer her early morning call. She was found on her bed, unconscious, bleeding profusely from head and upper body wounds.

Anne was fighting to cling on, we all thought she would survive because she is a fighter, but, sadly, she lost the battle, passed away last Saturday, 25th October, at the hospital.

Police said that it might be a "random robbery" and "random attack" because her purse, along with some of her personal items were missing in her house. Police later discovered that Anne's credit card was used by the murderer at a nearby gas station. They have obtained security camera surveilence tape from the owner of the gas station. Hopefully, from the tape, the police would be able to see the murderer's face.

Speculations flew back and forth about Anne's attacker/murderer.

My husband and I were hashing out about the possibilities and the actual motives of this killer. The way that Anne was viciously beaten, our hunch tells us many possibilites and sceanarios of this henious crime.

"Random Robbery/Attack" as the police have pointed out was the main factor and cause...We believed this act was a "Crime of Passion" rather than that of a robbery, because some of Anne's personal belongings, including her purse were missing.. like "souvenirs" or even "collectibles"??

The attacker, perhaps, a male caucasian..?? has an unusual interest in Anne, may have been watching her movements and monitoring her whereabouts closely, possibly, a person with a twisted and a sick mind of wanting Anne to himself, a morbid fascination, fixation and uncontrollable OBESSION for Anne.

A celebrity, a well known newsperson, a model, or someone whose face is always in the limelight. Anne's status was no exception. She was intelligent, smart, witty and friendly to people from all backgrounds and from all walks of life. She was warm, geniune and approachable. People who knew her admired her, fond of her, love her for her beautiful smile and for being a beautiful person inside out.

Anne was a target for unwanted attention, especially, from unsavory characters, crazy stalkers, who wanted a piece of her, who wanted to "owned" her, "fantasized" about her. Real sick stuff in demented minds.

This evil person had it bad for her. She might have known him, an acquaintance, in a crowd, watching her reporting the news. Anne treated everyone special and made people feel at ease.
Obviously, this "beast" took it in the wrong way, have the wrong idea, hence, the obession to be with her escalated.

One thing when we could not figure out was Anne was never alone in the house, she has her two beloved dogs with her. Surely, this man has been to her place, trying to chat her up, acted like an adoring "fan" befriended her and her two dogs. It could be that - dogs usually growled, and barked non-stop if they see a stranger, or someone that their mistress do not know. These dogs knew this person, became familiar with his scent and presence.

Another thing, probably, he may have successfully found a way to get into her house and waited for her to come home, played with her two dogs, or possibly, spiked the two dogs' food??

That night, she was out with friends, came home, called her best friend, about the movie "W" which she had a small role in the movie. Her friend said she acted wonderfully, they talked on the phone and texted each was probably around 10.30pm...

Anne got ready for bed, and was brutally attacked.

She was found unconscious and bleeding in bed when her mother discovered her on Monday at 4.30am. Anne was supposed to be ready for work, her mom gives her a regular wakeup call when she has her early norning shows.

Was this a sexual attack?? Did the killer wanted to rape her??!!!

From the reports - Anne's left hand was broken, possibly fighting back the killer...and she was repeatedly beaten with a blunt object to her head, her face and her upper body. Every bone on her face was broken, she had a cracked fractured skull. What kind of weapon used? A baseball bat?

The way she was beaten...we suspected that this person became very violent and aggressive when he advances were not reciprocated? It is so plain obvious that he wanted her to die. He vehemently felt that if "he cant have her...NO ONE ELSE could."

Another hunch - it could be one of her male ex-colleages who has an obession for her?? Or someone from her past, if not from the work place, possibly from her college years??

The police put a reward of $$$$ out to the public for assistance.

Anne's burial day was on October 30th. Her parents have carried out their daughter's wishes to donate her organs.

Our deepest sympathy and condolences goes out to Anne's parents, relatives and friends.
May God and his Angels watched over Anne.

Pics Source:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Addicted to Online Games!!!

Cat > What more can I say about myself? I discovered that I am addicted to online Arcade and Puzzle games, cute games, to be exact. Nothing dangerous, violent, no blood or gory stuff for me, NO, THANK YOU! *cringed*

I could not stop myself *guilty* - I have added a Pobble game to my blog:) I might just be tempted to load a couple or more games...oh no!!! There is just TOO MANY games for me to select...hmmm what CAN I DO? lol

Check out these cool games you can share them with your buddies, add it to your blogger, or to any sites listed at the game site. Real neato stuff!

Enjoy and have many endless hours, um, sleepless nights playing video games online!:)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Testing the new blog

HELLO WORLD!!!!!:) *waves*